Sunday, September 2, 2012

How Severus got his groove back

Remember that time you were watching Alan Rickman portray Hogwarts potions master Severus Snape, and you couldn't help but think to yourself, "he'd be so much happier if he were to go on vacation to a mystical, childlike world and begin boffing several inhuman, childlike beings who may or may not actually have genitalia?"


Of  course you don't. Or at least I hope you don't.

However, someone did, and that someone sat down and gave the world just what it didn't need:

A Snape/ Telletubies orgy-fest.
It's got pedophilia! It's got vomit and shit and mucus/blood-like fluid!
And that's not all!
At the end of the orgy, shit gets real and it turns out the Telletubies are actually in league with none other than the Dark Lord himself, Voldemort.
Because hey, why the hell not?
There's lots of self-sacrifice, and hey, who doesn't want to learn how to masturbate alongside several aliens? Especially from Snape? He just wants to blow his potions load deep inside you.

On a scale of so bad it's bad to so bad it's good, this gets a solid AWESOME. Whether or not whoever wrote this intended it seriously, they did a disgustingly fantastic job of taking things places they were never intended to go. They crossed the awful event horizon into nirvana.

Kudos, my friend. Kudos.

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